Wednesday 15 June 2011

Don Cherry - Fashion Fails

In light of the fact that the Canucks are playing horribly and have already welcomed 3 goals - I needed to turn to something else. In order to maintain some hockey spirit for the remaining minutes of this season, I have compiled a visually stunning retrospective on ... Don Cherry's jackets!

Take a moment to pull yourself together after scrolling through this alluring combination of colours, patterns and textures. This guy is like a cheap hallucinogen - fashion this bad kills brain cells and leaves you seeing a ridiculous combination of colours.

For someone so well verse in hockey and with a history in the sport, it is unfortunate that most will only remember him for his infamous jackets - Don "the guy with the nutty sports jackets talking hockey" Cherry. But, I image it's better to be remembered for something than nothing at all - right?

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